Alarm which is the bin and makes me want to get up…takes time to get my glasses on and remove CPAP mask so I can do the daily “”chores””. A totally fun app,btw. Carrot Weather rocks and I have it on all my Apple devices top 10 money earning apps .

The task-mistress is great at helping me document t what I need to get done…cause I know what she’ll say and I love the mood swings.
I’ll be getting the other apps in the series and want to more for macOS. I think these apps make computing fun. I would love to see an accounting that would allow me to manage my books for a business. That would be the ultimate.
Love these apps and have fun when you get them.”
“It’s been said that successful people keep a list of tasks to complete.
I can not keep a list literally and figuratively. I am functional but not successful.
I decided to download a task app to help me remember things around the house that I should be doing. Normally I wouldn’t buy an app. Why I did is beyond me really. Impulsiveness I guess best money earning app .
However I’m glad I did. All ready I’ve completed many things I normally would have put off. Like cutting my fingernails and cleaning out my car. As an adult I should be ashamed to admit that this app makes being responsible and productfull entertaining. Will it make me successful? I guess we will have to wait and see.”
This app and all the Carrot apps are amazing. Her sassy personality makes doing tasks fun. I bought all of her apps and I never go for paid apps. I love that her apps come in bundles it makes getting all the apps easy and gives them at a discount. If you already have some apps in the bundle they are subtracted from the price. Totally worth it!! Waking up, doing tasks, exercising, keeping trade of food intake, and checking weather has never been so fun!
“Reading some of the 1&2 star comments those people just don’t get it. This app is meant for a little entertainment in a to do list app. It certainly keeps me coming back to see what I still have to do for my unfinished tasked/projects. That’s the entire point. If one wants to write all the menial tasks down “”just to leave up”” go for it. Be selective and choose how fast or slow you want to advance.
C’mon people. Laugh a little and have some fun.”
This app is perfect to help me get all of those non-urgent daily tasks and errands accomplished. I use a high-end, complex to-do app for my urgent time-sensitive issues and work projects. I didn’t like cluttering that program up with daily life reminders like ‘get groceries’ and ‘schedule yearly a checkup’. As a result, those things never got done. They simply weren’t urgent or interesting enough for my ADHD mind to care about.